Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Here In My Home

I came upon something pretty cool yes on! Yes I still read his blog despite all the promo stuff, all the launches that he attended, the commercials that he shot, the talks that he gave! Oh well, the guy has come a pretty long way so I'll give him some credit for that.

My favourite part of his blog is the small talk at the top of his every post. Some of them are pretty interesting and that's where I came upon Malaysian Artistes for Unity :) It started off with this guy, Pete Teo, an independent singer/song-writer gathering a few of his celeb frens to make this video and song about anti-racism, and unity and solidarity, overcoming differences, seeing and feeling the love. Check out their website for more info

So yeah kudos to those who take the first steps, however small, however insignificant, to bridge the gap. It's really up to our generation I believe and kudos to the bunch who dares face the inevitable, to voice it out, to put it out there, smack, it's not a stigma, it's every part of our daily lives and before u fix it, you gotta face it first :) Another step forward for Malaysia!


Fozzle said...

VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV I didn't know you had a blog! Or that you could write sooo weellll!! (only coz I thought you could write better...) I think I've finally found a new procastination tool now! :)

Daniel said...

Personally I think the song isn't that good musically.

The pop part sucks big time. Lyrics are mediocre but passable.

However, tHe rapping part is much much nicer and I really liked it.

anyway...gotta credit to the artists for trying to make a difference instead of just being an armchair critic like me.