So so I know I've been bad, really really bad for leaving my poor blog totally unattended but of coz I have my reasons; laziness + busy-ness = No post! Tada...
Lol..Anyway, Melbourne is indeed a very eventful city, not so much the city that never sleeps but more of a city in which there's just so much happening! In the past few months, I've had the opportunity to attend 2 concerts, 1 ballet, 1 orchestra, the Australian Open, the Comedy Festival, etc... (half of them free!) It seems like there's always something going on, if you care to look, be it the lil gigs in a cozy bar or a big fest, or just the street performances. I do love this city!
So of coz, first up Mr Jack Johnson.........
What's great :
- Surely the music! Have always been a fan of his music but his voice totally blew me away! So strong yet soothing, so captivating, convincing and steady, simpy amazinggg....
- The stage backdrop...There's a bloody different backdrop for every single song :) I like...

- & the company, pretty random but soo much fun ! Dirty jokes, crazy singing, lots and lots of food (KFC, corn, KFC KFC), wolf-whistling (Bri's a machine!) Hehe..
Well the only bad thing was the weather. Remember Banana Pancakes 'Can you see it's just raining, ain't no need to go outside'. Precisely, don't go outside when it's raining and bloody freezing and the venue being Sydney Myer Bowl and the seats being general admission, we totally freeze our arse off, shivering, laughing, jumping around to keep warm, using the mat as shelter, thank god for Sabs' blanket, her dad's jumper and KFC (lifesaver)! Lol.. There was a very pretty moment when hope was aplenty and we thought everything will be alright, the rainbow was out for a moment but of coz, being Melbourne, it was drizzling gain after that....."(-_-)

Overall, I had such a great great time, thanks guys! Wouldn't have been quite as fun shivering in the rain without y'all and some bloody good music :)

Ps: I didn't rip photos off anyone in this post! Lalala...except well Bri but the photos were taken by Sabs so not counted :p