Thursday, February 14, 2008

Proud to present My AIESEC XP

It'll be exactly 2 years since the day I touched down in Australia tomorrow and these 2 years have been simply amazing! Uni life's all I expected and more.... The lessons learnt, the friendships made, the self-discoveries, the memories...... This will be the 1st part of a 2 series of reflection of my uni life; 2 short years that I'll never get back and probably the best time of my life !

First up, AIESEC

The passion and belief that I have in this club is endless; the potential, the people ! The fact is simply being in an environment where people with such different diversities, strengths and weaknesses, working together towards this common goal with this passion and desire in them, to make AIESEC work, to make it shine, to show the impact that it has had on ourselves. I long to have this desire in my career path. It showed me it doesn't matter what you do, as long as you have that will, that drive, the focus, to be in a thriving team environment, to feed off each other's positive energy !

AIESEC showed me there's so much more than just a degree, a job, it's always the passion, the people ! I wish I can say I've gotten to know more of the interstaters, the MCs but I'm not much of a conference person although it is fucking awesome. AIESEC MELB 07 : Heidi, you've truly succeeded in bringing the best out of each and every single one of us and paving the way to a much greater year ahead. Just hearing about all the plans for this year made me soo excited !

There's not one team meeting, LCM, MLTM, LCM dinner, social event, networking event, any AIESEC event which I did not enjoy myself. You guys have been such great inspirations to me, the amount of talent, the things I've learnt, the stuffs that just made me go WOW, you guys are f*king amazing, time and time again and it's all because of this crazy thing called AIESEC.

I don't know how I'm gonna go on now that I've graduated. Is this the end? Hell NO ! My internship awaits in 3 years and I've just submitted my application for State Conf OC despite everyone telling me V, you're alumni now, you're not part of the LC ! Lol.. As if guys, it'll take more than that to chase me away !

No matter what, now or ever, I'll miss AIESEC, you ask what does AIESEC mean to me? It means a hell lot, it's a part of me, a part of what I am today, a part of what I'll always be....

Saturday, February 2, 2008


The corpse pose : One of my fav in Bikram Yoga, where you lie completely still and the only difference btw you and a corpse is that you're breathing. The heat forces you to push all thoughts out of your head, the thoughts of the outside world, all gone, you are completely still, the only thing that exists is your breathing !

Ah, the wonders of meditating :) I leave you with a picture of Jeero during the Savasana. Namaste....

Picture :

Friday, February 1, 2008

When is it my turn?

My apologies for the lack of update recently, no it wasn't because our neighbour found out we've been using their internet for free or anything, I'm proud to announce our very own has been set up and is up and running perfectly well :)

It's the lack of inspiration. No thoughts, no urge, no desire to blog. I guess this blog has turned into a sorta place of refuge; a place where I turn to when I just wanna pour my heart out, a place where I turn my thoughts into something a bit more concrete, a bit more structured and well placed. And it's always, more often than not, it's when I have an overwhelming sense of emotions that I blog.

So I suppose you can sense this is gonna be a very melancholy/sombre post and you shouldn't read on if you do not want to be dragged into my sense of helplessness.

Lately has been a rollercoaster of emotions for me. One day, I feel great, I'm loving life, the other days, I'm bitter, sullen and disgruntled. Take yesterday for eg., I was having such a great day at work, my colleagues are such great people, the weather's lovely and when I got home, I got to chat with all 3 of my best friends from high school, this does not happen often at all and we even made plans to go backpacking in Europe end of the year ! I miss them dearly ! All the reminiscence and just talking crap is soo much fun :)

But then later on, I was overcame with this bout of emotions that I so constantly try to suppress.

WHEN IS IT MY TURN?? When do I stop giving myself excuses? When will I dare to take that leap of faith? When do I let passion and desire overcome logic and reasoning? I've been telling quite a number of people lately of my future plans for fear that if I stop mentioning it, I'll just remain the way that I am. There's completely nothing wrong with what I'm doing now. It's the most reasonable, safe and right thing to do (Apply for PR, get my CA first, earn some cash, appease my parents but at the same time, I've put myself into this position where I'm helpless and simply cannot reject what's in front of me) and all the while, I'm longing for that sense of adventure, ''It was waking up to an adventure everyday rather than a chore". Well, some people might think, oh so you just wanna have fun la? How can? You need to be realistic, where got so much $? But it's the sense of experiencing something totally foreign, totally unaccounted for previously, waking up to a new life, new country, new self, that you begin to see yourself for who you are.

I long for the day I'll be able to do that; to see the world, to soak in all of its wonders.

I long for Africa. I long for the day I actually make lil changes. It is all too typical to link Africa with poverty, corruption, violation of human rights, despotism, all things bad and evil that years of aid and advocacy hasn't seen much return at all but there's something about that land which mystifies me. I long for the day that I'll be able to tell a true story of the beautiful country.

On the more practical side, I have no experience in social development whatsoever, the closest is when I did Foreign Aid under Economics in SAM and Economic Devt in uni so I can be completely delusional when I think that I can actually do this. So what do I do now? Do I stick with what I'm doing and continue on with ma 3 year plan and pray hard that Oaktree will accept me as a volunteer in the meanwhile? Blah..What else can I do ?

I need to go to yoga, it's turned to sorta like a drug for me. I need to clear my thoughts and focus on what I need to do now rather than pine and whine about what I truly want to do.

To Jeannie : Thanks for layaning my bouts of homesickness ! Tung Tung Tung Chiang reflects more than just the CNY spirit now, it'll always remind me of you :p Lol..

To YC : I am so proud of how you've grown and matured into this fine young beautiful woman, sure of what you want to do and daring to put it all out to achieve what you want ! You will achieve so much for Aiesec Spore !

And lastly, to my dear Heidi : Thanks for being that endless source of inspiration, to put that hope there ! Can't wait til you're back and hear all about your adventures :)

And thanks for everyone who read til here ! I hope in 3 years time, there'll be no more excuses, no more doubts ! And to those brave souls who dares live their dreams, life is truly too short....

"When ppl don't have the will to bring about change, something in them dies"
Sharmeen Obaid-Chinoy