While on the way to Laksa King the other night, I overheard a conversation on the tram, not that I like eavesdropping on the tram but it's hard not to overhear. Hehe...Anyway, these 2 ladies were talking happily, reminiscing bout their friends ie. Remember the time when who and who thought that she was actually dating a vampire? Lol.. There's nothing like the simplicity and joy of just hanging out with dear good ol girl friends which I've been severely lacking these few years ! But the few good ones would be :
- AIESEC girls night out
- Dinner at Dada's
- Shopping with Mei Tien :))
- The supposing weekly meet-ups with Amanda-manda & Jillian
- All the good times with Shau Fun

(I'm not drunk, just very very happy :p)
PS: Sorry I couldnt' find photos with all of us in it, apologies to YH & Feeny ! See what I mean when I said we haven't all met for soo long??
omg veron..is that u beside jeannie..second pic from top?
How bout me?!?!? =(
hey, what about us, your MORE-AWESOME -THAN-U guy friends?
wahh.. your many different hairstyles.. u change hairstyles quite often.. hahaa.
and yeah dan, this veron has forgotten about us i tell you.. claim we're her best guy frens summore..!! booo veron..!! haha
aw.. what a coincidence.. i just posted your pic onto my latest post as well.. hehe... :)
ps: the blog tracking thing really works man!.. so cool.. lol
LOL...my best guy frens have soo many of their own frens, they don't care bout me ler :(( boohoohoo...
ooh babe, your post brought tears to my eyes. *sob. i miss you girls so much.we were so innocent then, weren't we?=) *hugz.
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