It's funny how those who are still here in Melbourne long to go home while those back home long to be back in Melbourne. As for me, I belong to the former group of coz ...
- I miss the food, the glorious glorious food of Ipoh land, from the hawker stalls to home cooked grandma's food
- I miss shopping and facial with mom
- I miss seeing the relatives eventho I'm sure comments like "Wah you've grown fatter and darker? Aren't you supposed to get fairer in Australia?" will be abundant '-_-
I don't know what I miss exactly, it's definitely more than that, maybe it's just the feeling of being away from home for too long and I just miss being aside the family... In the past 2 years, Melbourne has grown to become like home but not home-home. Sometimes, when I'm on the tram, I get this weird feeling that hey I'm so used to being in Melbourne but deep in my mind, there's this other place which is home...Weird...but anyhoo, homesickness is in full blast at the moment so just like Frodo and Gandalf (the scenes where they were half dead & they whispered to this lil bird and then this big bird came and picked them up), fly me home !

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