What will you do if you know you'll be leaving the person who you love more than anything else in the world forever?
What will you do if you know the person who you love more than anything else in the world is leaving you forever?
Thus, begins a journey of love & discovery, corny at times but oh so beautiful....How many big loves do you find in your life? One who shakes you to your core, in this movie, it happens in Ireland where the men are tall and hot and have a scruffy look and can sing and swipe you off your feet... (Gerald Butler is soo hot ! and he's from 300)
Sometimes, you get upset over very little things but it doesn't really take that much to put that smile back on your face :) Go do something different, go watch a movie, go open up your heart and be swept off your feet by this movie !

What will you do if you know the person who you love more than anything else in the world is leaving you forever?
Thus, begins a journey of love & discovery, corny at times but oh so beautiful....How many big loves do you find in your life? One who shakes you to your core, in this movie, it happens in Ireland where the men are tall and hot and have a scruffy look and can sing and swipe you off your feet... (Gerald Butler is soo hot ! and he's from 300)
Sometimes, you get upset over very little things but it doesn't really take that much to put that smile back on your face :) Go do something different, go watch a movie, go open up your heart and be swept off your feet by this movie !

P.S. I Love You
i want to waaaatch!
gerard butler is hotness. he even makes the name gerard sound sexy!!
so now the important question is, if you had to choose - gerard butler or johnny depp?
or paolo nutini?!?!
haha.. not like we will ever get the choice.
OOh OOh I like this question! lol.. where else have u seen gerard butler other than 300 ? he wasn't that oozing with sex appeal in 300, true he has a good body but it was more like alot of meat! lol...
Erm..erm...johnny depp's talented, he's cute in an eccentric way so na he wouldnt' make a good lover anyway..lol...and i don't know paolo nutini that well, the only place i saw him is ur blog so GERARD BUTLER wins!! he's mine :) muahahaha..
i watched the movie..but, nothing beats the book. you should so read it!!!
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